One of the most frequent questions from our clients is how and with what to clean their wooden furniture, to which we give the following recommendations:

one. Clean your wooden furniture regularly as these also accumulate dust and excess dust can cause scratches on the wood. The easiest way to clean them is to moisten a cloth with water.

2. You can also buy special products to clean wood. Preferably before buying a cleaner, check the ingredients trying to avoid bleach, alcohol, abrasive and aggressive chemicals, as these will damage the resin that is placed on your furniture for a longer duration. The product we most recommend for cleaning is beeswax.

3. The most recommended rags for cleaning these products are soft, cotton or microfiber to avoid leaving marks. Once you have finished cleaning the furniture, wash it thoroughly with water and unscented soap for the next cleaning.

Four. When cleaning look for the direction of the wood.

5. In the same way, avoid placing hot or cold things on top of the furniture since, although it has a protective resin, it does not exempt the marks that temperature changes or scratches can leave.

6. On the other hand, it is best to keep our furniture inside the home, avoiding sudden changes in temperature and direct exposure to the sun's rays. On some occasions these furniture are used outdoors such as in a Roof Garden or on a terrace, so we suggest a protective cover to minimize exposure to the sun, dust and rain at certain times of the year.

At Casa Abadía we have different Parota products. If you are interested in knowing a little more about us or seeing our designs, visit our page

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